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    Digging Science

    Digging Science is an agricultural-based club for youth ages 5-11 that will explore topics such as animal science, reptiles, plant science, pollinators, crops, and more, through a scientific lens.

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    Teen Club

    The Teen Club is open to youth ages 13 - 18 years old. The purpose of this club is to develop teen leadership, communication, teambuilding, decision-making, and service in the Henrico community. Teens can apply to become Teen Counselors for the 2023 Henrico 4-H Camp. Teen club registration is open!

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    Shooting Shamrocks

    Shooting Shamrocks is a club for youth ages 5-19 that typically meets in the West End of the county. This club focus on leadership development and community service. This year, they also plan to prioritize physical health and mental well-being. Youth will learn valuable life skills through Head, Heart, Hands and Health categories of 4-H.

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    Varina Rising Stars

    Varina Rising Stars 4-H has been in existence since 1985. Varina Rising Stars is primarily a horse club, but members can participate in a variety of other 4-H areas. VRS encourages all members to participate in county, district and state contests for public speaking, presentation, fashion revue, Hippology, horse & dog bowls, Fashion Review, and Share The Fun (talent show). VRS hosts a horse show from March to November at Dorey Park on the second Saturday in each month. VRS also participates in many community service projects and community activities. VRS is open for youth ages 9-19.

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    Food for Thought

    Join a cake decorating 4-H club for youth ages 12-18. Youth will learn a new skill of making frosting, piping techniques, and the art of decoration using a variety of styles. Youth will explore entrepreneurship, career development, and money management.